Can I complain if I have been treated badly by the police? Answer 7:
Sometimes when representing people we hear complaints about the way they have been treated by the police. Sometimes those complaints are...

What to do if you get into financial difficulty? Answer 6:
Although not strictly a 'legal' question we often find that our clients face financial difficulties which can be very stressful:...

Latest Council Report
Law Society Council Meeting 3rd June 2020 - Report. Introduction This was Council’s first full meeting conducted remotely in the light of...

I have been asked about the identity of the driver of my vehicle - what do I do? Answer 5:
Sometimes when a vehicle has been involved in a road traffic offence the registered keeper is sent a 'Notice of Intended Prosecution' and...

What is A Crown Court Trial Like? Answer 4:
For most people the thought of having a crown court trial strikes fear into their hearts, especially if this is a new and unfamiliar...